> Summary of Coverage 2023-2024
Insurance Forms
> Generic Medical Release
> Advance Notice of Injury
Who is Covered?
ENYYSA and its member associations, leagues, team members, managers, coaches, referees, officials, directors, officers, administrators, assistants, scorekeepers, volunteers, and sponsors while acting in their capacity as such.
What is Covered?
Liability coverage is provided for ENYYSA-sanctioned and approved amateur practice and play in the insured sport including fundraisers, banquets, award ceremonies, and team meetings. No coverage is provided for activities not sanctioned or approved by ENYYSA.
General Liability Coverage Summary?
The General Liability policy provides important liability protection for claims alleging bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage liability arising from your ENYYSA-sanctioned operations.
Liability Insurance and Indoor Facilities
Any organization using a non-sanctioned indoor facility, (“pay for play”), must obtain a certificate of liability insurance for the following organizations;
- Your Club
- League
ENYYSA will not provide a certificate of liability insurance to the facility. The facility is the primary holder of the liability coverage, whereas ENYYSA is secondary.