By Randy Vogt, Director of Public Relations, Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association
April 28, 2023-What happens when you see a car with a Driver’s Education sign on it? Chances are, you stay away from that car and if any inexperienced mistakes are made, you understand.
In 2014, there were over 4,000 registered refs in Eastern New York which remains our peak. The players eventually returned after the pandemic but many of our refs did not, causing referee shortages in both Eastern New York and throughout the United States.
We lose more than half our referees in their first two years of officiating with the number one reason being verbal abuse by the so-called “adults” in youth soccer, coaches and parents. So the next time that you yell at a ref, you could be contributing to our referee shortage.
Currently, we have approximately 3,000 registered refs, many of these referees and assistant refs are new since they took certification courses over the winter and although they may be enthusiastic, they need time and experience to develop into excellent officials. Many are not going to get there and will quit if they are yelled at and soccer is no longer fun.
So just as you would understand and not criticize mistakes made by a student learning to drive, we ask all adults in the Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association (ENYYSA) on the touchline this Spring Season, both coaches and parents, to do the same with our refs. So we can end our shortage of referees and assistant refs once and for all!
With approximately 100,000 youth soccer players––both boys and girls––and more than 25,000 volunteers, the non-profit Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association (ENYYSA) stretches from Montauk Point, Long Island to the Canadian border. Members are affiliated with 10 leagues throughout the association, which covers the entire state of New York east of Route 81. ENYYSA exists to promote and enhance the game of soccer for children and teenagers between the ages of 5 and 19 years old, and to encourage the healthy development of youth players, coaches, referees and administrators. All levels of soccer are offered––from intramural, travel team and premier players as well as Children With Special Needs. No child who wants to play soccer is turned away. ENYYSA is a proud member of the United States Soccer Federation and United States Youth Soccer. For more information, please log on to